Monday, February 13, 2012

Scholarship Competition

This last Friday and Saturday (2 - 10 and 2 - 11) I took part in a scholarship competition at George Fox. The First day was straightforward. An interview and a lecture. pretty basic. Pretty easy, noting to worry about. The trouble started on Saturday.

I was scheduled for a Communication Arts scholarship because that was my intended major. There were four others people in my group and we began with some get to know you questions and questions about why Communication Arts. At the beginning they had said that we would give a speech as part and figured it would be some prompt they'd give us and we'd speak as we went.

Well, it came to the speech, we moved the chairs and the first person (alphabetically) went up to the front. I noticed that he had some paper notes and also that the Professors had not given him a prompt. Needless to say I was nonplussed.

I began to realize to from in my mind that there was a prompt... but I had missed it. Some email or message had eluded me.

I pulled out my phone and nonchalantly shot out a text to my Mom, "Apparently I was supposed to prepare a speech" (my exact words). I couldn't even formulate my own thoughts into some kind of coherent message because I still didn't know the PROMPT!

the first speaker finished and we congratulated him with light applause. I started wondering which person would be next when, "Alright. Joseph." Well damn. Life sucks.

I pulled myself out of my chair and gave an awkward, "I think i missed a memo. Could I perchance have a look upon the question" (not necessarily my exact words). Thje first speaker, Caleb, ghave me the prmopt, it was something like how you wish to grow as a student and as a christian at Fox. A 3 - 5 minute speech. You may use notes. Well double damn. Life sucks more.

I approached the front table as easily as I could and tried to subdue some shakes which I find quite ironic because the Prof had told us not to get too nervous beforehand.

My speech was an incoherent mess. I'd guess it lasted no more than 2 minutes though i felt like I was standing there for half a age.

There was applause when i finished but I couldn't helping thinking how much relief the other contestants must have felt to know i was no longer a threat.

Three more speeches before the end. One girl used notes, the last two memorized speeches and spoke with such confidence and gusto that I couldn't keep eye contact.

The Profs didn't speak to me about my predicament. The other competitors didn't. I wasn't sure if they were avoiding an awkward confrontation or if they had forgotten me. Either way I was left alone.

I don't think i'll major in communication Arts.